Yacht Net Riviera dei Fiori is a network of professionals working in the nautical sector. An emanation of Confindustria Nautica Sezione Imperia, which represents the industries and companies of the yachting industry, works for the development of the nautical sector, promotes the culture of the sea and the development of nautical tourism in Italy.

Yacht Net Riviera dei Fiori is a network of professionals working in the nautical sector. An emanation of Confindustria Nautica Sezione Imperia, which represents the industries and companies of the yachting industry, works for the development of the nautical sector, promotes the culture of the sea and the development of nautical tourism in Italy.

Sanremo’s historic ‘three-day’ event links the naval tradition of yachting with the culinary tradition of Liguria, acting as a showcase for several businesses from the province of Imperia. The presence of renowned yachting entrepreneurs adds significant value to the event, offering the opportunity for networking, knowledge exchange and collaborations that could shape the future of the nautical industry.
YACHTNET Riviera dei Fiori
for the development of the nautical sector, sea culture and nautical tourism in Italy.